An online introductory meeting was held on Wednesday, July 24th between 10:00 and 13:00 for prospective students who will make a choice according to the 2024 YKS results. The meeting started with the opening speech of our Dean Prof. Dr. Musa Atar. After giving a brief information about our Faculty, our Dean answered the questions of prospective students. Research Assistant Şulenur Asal moderated the meeting and ended with the presentations of our Department Heads.
Prospective students who want to get information about our faculty can access the replay of the introductory meeting organized online from the link below. They can also get information from the Information Desk established in the Buhara building (A Block) until the last day of the preferences.
Karabük University Faculty of Technology Dean Prof. Dr. Muhammet KAYFECİ Visited Our Dean
Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Serhat KARYEYEN Was Appointed as Vice Rector
Sinop University Rector and Accompanying Delegation Visited Our Dean
Computer Laboratory Was Opened in Our Faculty within the scope of BELTEK Project
Send us your opinions, requests and evaluations.