
Since 1935, the spread of art schools throughout the country and the increase in their number has revealed the need to train teachers who will give vocational courses in these schools. For this reason, in the 1937-1938 academic year, the Ministry of National Education announced that Ankara 1. In the building of the Boys' Art School (in Ulus), a three-year "Boys' Vocational Teacher School" including "Leveling, Iron and Carpenter" sections was opened and "Technical Teacher" with its current name was started. Later, the "Electricity" department joined these departments in 1941-1942. In 1942-1943, our school moved to its current buildings. In 1945-1946, Motor, Model, Casting, Dulger, Masonger, Stonemason, Heating and Plumbing in 1946-1947, Radio departments were added in 1947-1948. In 1948-1949, the name of the school was named Male Technical Higher Teacher School, in 1971-1972 the Department of Machine Draftsmanship was opened and finally in 1976-1977 it was renamed as the Higher Technical Teacher School and became a four-year education institution that trains Technical Teachers who can give vocational courses in Vocational High Schools and equivalent schools.

Our faculty, which was connected to Gazi University established by Law No. 1982 in 2809 and took the name of Faculty of Technical Education, was restructured as a Faculty of TECHNOLOGY with the Law No. 24/2009 published in the Official Gazette dated November 27416, 2009 and numbered 15612 and turned into a faculty providing engineering education. In the 2010-2011 academic year, Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Energy Systems Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Civil Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Automotive Engineering departments were opened and Computer Engineering and Woodworking Industrial Engineering departments joined these departments in the 2011-2012 academic year. Finally, with the Industrial Design Engineering department opened in 2013, there are a total of 9 engineering departments in our faculty. In addition, in accordance with the decision taken at the General Assembly of YÖK dated January 5, 2012, the departments within our Faculty were given the right to open master's and doctoral programs.


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