Our Rector Prof. Dr. Musa Yıldız, Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Fazlı Polat, Prof. Dr. Ramazan Bayındır, Prof. Dr. Yücel Gelişli, Advisor to the Rector Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim Bülbül, Prof. Dr. Abdülkerim Yörükoğlu, Dean of the Faculty of Technology Prof. Dr. Musa Atar, Dean of the Faculty of Science Prof. Dr. Reşat Kasap, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Dr. Abdülkerim Yörükoğlu, General Secretary Mehmet Ali Özkan, Director of the Institute of Science and Technology Prof. Dr. Uğur Gökmen, Secretary General Mehmet Ali Özkan, Head of the Department of Information Technologies Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kahraman Güngör, Director General of Vocational and Technical Education of the Ministry of National Education Ali Karagöz, Director of the Institute of Science and Technology Prof. Dr. Uğur Gökmen, Secretary General Mehmet Ali Özkan, Head of IT Department Assoc. Dr. Zafer Ayaz, Head of Student Affairs Department Assoc. Dr. Ahmet Mavi, Vice Deans, Faculty Secretary, Heads of Departments, faculty and staff, students, faculty members from different universities, teachers from the Ministry of National Education, Prof. Dr. Adem Kurt's family and many loved ones attended the ceremony held in front of the Faculty of Technology Deanery Building for Prof. Dr. Adem KURT, Faculty of Technology, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering.
Speaking at the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Musa Atar stated that Prof. Dr. Adem Kurt was a person full of love for the homeland and the nation, and that he gave importance to national and spiritual values. Prof. Dr. Musa Atar said, "It is a great loss for our University, our Faculty, our country and the academic community" regarding the death of Prof. Dr. Kurt. Prof. Dr. Adem Kurt stated that our teacher was a good person who was sincere, smiling, smiling, asking for well-being and hasbial.
He expressed his condolences to the family of the late Prof. Dr. Adem Kurt, his relatives and all his loved ones who attended the ceremony.
Ali Karagöz, General Director of Vocational and Technical Education at the Ministry of National Education, said that Prof. Dr. Adem Kurt was his thesis teacher during his master's degree and that he had a special place for him.
After the speeches of Prof. Dr. Abdülkadir Güllü, Salih Çetin, Yusuf Özçatalbaş, our Rector Prof. Dr. Musa Yıldız's speech began. "As Gazi University, our pain is great. We lost our very valuable professor, brother and brother." Prof. Dr. Musa Yıldız said that he constantly called Prof. Dr. Adem Kurt during the treatment process and visited him in the hospital. Prof. Dr. Musa Yıldız said, "May God have mercy on him. May his soul rest in peace" and expressed his condolences to Prof. Dr. Adem Kurt's family and colleagues.
After the speeches, Prof. Dr. Adem Kurt was sent off with prayers. The funeral of the deceased will be buried on Sunday, March 17, 2024, following the noon prayer in Dedepınar village of Alaca district of Çorum province.
We wish Allah's mercy to the deceased, patience and condolences to his relatives and family.
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